Trachycarpus Fortunei
Trachycarpus Fortunei

Welcome to the Palm and Cycad Society of Western Australia

The Palm and Cycad Society of Western Australia (PACSOWA) is a non-profit organisation that promotes the protection and conservation of palms and cycads and endeavors to increase general knowledge about palms and cycads.

On these pages you will find many things including information on rare palms and cycads, common problems and solutions for growing palms and cycads, details about society membership, society activities and much more.

The Objectives of the Palm and Cycad Society of Western Australia are:

  • To promote the culture and propagation of palms and cycads.
  • To discourage the destruction of palms and cycads and to assist in the preservation of their native habitats.
  • To promote the scientific and cultural knowledge of palms and cycads.
  • To publish, edit and review writings, that are approved by the Society, appertaining to the recording, propagating, culture and science of palms and cycads.
  • To print and publish pamphlets and periodicals that the Society may consider desirable for the promotion and furtherance of any of its objects.
  • To engage in any activity that would further the well being and increase the knowledge of palms and cycads.
  • To extend the membership of the society by creating a public interest in its activities.
  • To affiliate with any other societies with similar aims and objectives.